Saturday, December 17, 2011

Trimming Yourself For Christmas

It's Holiday time in the 50's. There is so much to think about -- presents, putting up the Christmas tree, decorating, baking and of course office parties. But for the lady of the house she needs to have some time for herself. Here is a fun article from the Rocky Mount Evening Telegram December 1957 giving some helpful advice for the little lady on how to 'trim herself' for the holidays. I include a photo of a retro girl's modern day look for the Holiday season. Why not add a little 50's flair to your Holidays this season!

Trimming Yourself For Christmas

You know the tree - trimming party is only a week away. If you haven't scheduled one, it's not a bit too late.
But how will you trim yourself for the occasion? With some gay and spirited ingenuity, I hope! Let your imagination play all its tricks and so inspire others to glow with happiness and the renewed appreciation of the magic of the season.
To spark your imagination, make a trip to the tree-trimming section of any store. Look for the miniature-sized baubles, the strips of tinsel, tiny bells and strands of Christmas beads.
With a black taffeta, felt or satin skirt (better still if it's red or green!) cut a large felt Christmas tree to baste on the front of it. Then trim it with all you have collected. You can choose a one-color motif as modern as today. Or make it an old - fashioned, multicolored fantasy. With a little planning, it can even serve as the blue-print for your big tree, a duplicate in miniature!
Skirts also will take on a festive look with a row of tiny bells bottoming the hem, sewed on at whatever intervals you choose. Rows of tinsel or green and red bows can transform even the most everyday skirt into one of the most charming conversation pieces at the party.
Those addicted to trouser styles can be the Christmas gamins of the season with bells, tinsel or beads striping the outer-leg seams or twisted into a belt with two or three dangling from the waist.
And don't forget your earbobs. From any button earring, miniature baubles can quickly be suspended with the aid of a bit of heavy linen thread. Tiny bells so used are also naturals to bring a twinkle to the eyes of all who hear your tinkling music as you lightly circulate among the busy tree decorators.
Tomorrow: Lucky Eight. "Figured For You", gives expert detailed instructions and illustrates how to select foundation garments that provide comeliness, control and healthful comfort for your individual type of figure. Send 10 cents in coin, plus stamped, self - addressed envelope to Secrets of Charm in care of this newspaper for "Figured For You."
Rocky Mount, N.C., Evening Telegram, Tues., Dec. 17, 1957

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